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Address:NO.1-3 Bazi Industrial Park in HeHua Road Licheng County ,Jinan

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Granite component good plasticity

Source: Time:2016-04-16 16:16:45 views:

Granite artifacts are not afraid of acid and erosion, will not rust, not oil, not easy to stick dust, maintenance convenience simple, long service life, there will be no scratches, granite components from the condition of constant temperature to prevent, at room temperature can also keep the accuracy of measurement, processed stone railings shall not have cracks, implicit residual, stain, red and white lines, stone defects such as scab, Shi Tie. Can use the hammer knock carefully, such as the sound of a wheeled, is no cracks of implicit residual stone balustrade components, such as a sound of marble, suggests that stone railings have implicit residual components.

Check the granite tenon long whether meet the design requirements; Check whether Angle, arc or other members of the opposite sex component materials lofting, according to your drawings design of special-shaped processing components and Angle control is correct, before the installation, should be in accordance with the design drawing draw stone railings to Fu stone, column board, at the column of the component such as pareto chart, stone artifacts in the part of the construction of the center line and line, stone railings before the installation, should remove impurities such as dirt on the surface of the stone artifacts, scale, water cleaning when necessary. Land Fu stone granite components should be first laid pulp, namely in the first groove bottom paving cement mortar, in line with a crowbar Fu stone point pry up the ground leveling, alignment, mat. And then use the hemp fiber grey jointing, in preparation for construction is introduced here, if you are interested in can be in touch with us, our small make up will serve you wholeheartedly, the thermal stress is bigger, more easily than arc welding cracks, at the same time line contraction cracks tend to be larger. Because of the trend by spray welding crack influence factors such as time, spray layer thickness, defect is limited by a certain size, and weld defects need to be cleaned up, due to the Fe content in the powder injection ratio is higher.

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