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Address:NO.1-3 Bazi Industrial Park in HeHua Road Licheng County ,Jinan

When the choose and buy how to find a good place to buy granite measuring tool

Source: Time:2016-04-16 16:18:03 views:

Granite measuring tool after the advent of production, many customers some enchanted, but some don't understand, this is mainly customer that don't know, know about granite measuring performance and precision is not large, from the perspective of the customer, the customer when the choose and buy how to find a good place to buy granite measuring tool, it is the vendor's attention and favor, below we granite measuring tool for the general customers to share a few action!

My company with many years of production technology, to provide some correct choose the method of measuring tool. Hope will be helpful to you. Choose something measurement is based on the size of the public service value detection tools. For absolute measurement, the requirement of measurement measurement category than by measuring the amount of size, but don't vary too much. Reason reason is to use large measurement items measurement of small workpiece measurement category, not only not the economy, and the measurement accuracy is hard to guaranteeing. To deal with the thin, soft, easy to deformation of the workpiece, should choose measurement force small measurement. To deal with the rough appearance, fine measurement to measurement shall not be used. Appearance appearance being measured roughness value is less than or measure things the measurement of surface roughness in appearance, single piece or small batch production should choose general measurement appliance, mass production should first consider special measurement equipment. Compare with the measurement, the measurement of something measured a category must be greater than value for the parameters of the public servants, in the shape of measurement deviation, measure the measurement head of things to do back and forth, so we need to consider return biases. When require high precision of the workpiece, should choose high agility and small return deviation, high precision measurement equipment.

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